Accountancy: The Flexible Path. The Profession that Takes You Where You Want to Go” by Dr. Norma Gappi. The statement “It’s just a matter of time, you are already halfway the road and there’s no turning back. You sacrifices now and reap rewards later” motivates me to strive better for this field.  Being an accounting student, I experienced a lot of challenges and hardships in this course. Dr. Gappi made me realized that the sacrifices I’ve made, made me tougher. Also, I understood that accounting has a lot of jobs to offer and opportunities to take. Dr. Gappi gave many suggestions and options for this field such as being a full time accountant or part time, specialization for a certain sector and etc. Finally, despite the challenges in this journey and difficulties in preparation, pursuing an accountancy career and become a CPA can be our stepping stones towards success in this path. This topic is very motivating and encouraging for us to pursue accountancy career.

“A Day in the Life of the Accountant” by Patrick John Burdan. I understood the importance of having knowledge or an idea what the typical daily work routine of an accountant. It is necessary to have an overview or insights of what accountants do in daily basis so that I can assess if accountancy career path is truly right for me. Accounting career is so broad, it is very important to identify the type field that will match your preferences and skills. Regardless of the type of field, I have learned that accountants need to have a certain technical and professional skillset such as using analytical skill, detail-oriented work, communicating with other accounting professionals, other teams and departments, performing technical financial work and using accounting technology. Finally, this topic helps us to gain an insight of what actual work of an accountant in a day, and the importance of having these skills for work.

“Accounting Skills You Need to Succeed on the Job” with our resource speaker Julieta Dillena, CBA, MBA. Her discussion was very engaging and interactive experience for me because she is not just focusing on the discussion but also she wants a participation of everyone. As an accountancy student, I have learned importance of having general business knowledge. Having these knowledge and skills as an accountant are useful across all employment sectors. Also, it is an essential part of being able to meet the challenges of everyday life. The dramatic changes in global economies over the past five years have been matched with the transformation in technology and these are all impacting on education, the workplace and our home life. Thus, adaptability and flexibility are great skills for an accountant to be competent as it shows the individual can adapt and flexible to new technology trends. All in all, I’ve learned the accounting skills needed to be able to succeed on job and I believe that it will be useful for our job someday.

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